Cloud Carib refreshed the aging infrastructure of a quasi-government agency in The Bahamas.
The Challenge
The agency was challenged to meet the pressures brought on by an aging network infrastructure that was no longer able to satisfy workload and traffic demands. This resulted in higher costs for both software and hardware to cover multiple appliances. These challenges were further exacerbated by a lack of disaster recovery protocols and a backup architecture and infrastructure that no longer met its current demand.
The Solution
Cloud Carib was able to consolidate the agency’s sprawling data centre into a single rack per site system with two geographically diverse data centers, designed to accelerate the performance of its critical insurance management applications.
At the heart of the strategy was a dual-site cloud that was built within the jurisdiction and leveraged the nation’s most reliable data centers. Cloud Carib also executed a complete redesign of the network to ensure reliable connectivity across all locations, including those on the family islands. This was coupled with the phased replacement of existing hardware and re-architected server infrastructure to significantly reduce licensing costs for operating systems and databases while improving application performance.
The Benefits
Greener and Less Overhead– The agency was able to reduce their environmental footprint and reduce infrastructure overhead.
Increased Productivity– They increased their productivity due to faster application speeds.
The Results
In the end, the agency was able to raise the level of productivity and reduce its costs and carbon footprint by scaling down its data center to a single rack footprint. The final result is a more resilient, secure, and agile infrastructure that can accommodate future workload demands.