Kingston, Jamaica –The clock is ticking for Jamaican businesses to meet their compliance requirements ahead of the upcoming Data Protection Act (DPA) deadline. To help them navigate this, leading regional cloud solutions provider Cloud Carib, with its technology partner Veeam®, the leader in Intelligent Data Management for backup solutions, co-hosted “Countdown 2 Compliance”, a power breakfast held at the ROK Hotel in Kingston this month.

The informative session, hosted by renowned digital marketing strategist Kalilah Reynolds, provided critical insights for Jamaican businesses on the impending act with a presentation by Joanna Marzouca and Shaniel May Brown, attorneys at law with Myers, Fletcher & Gordon. The duo delivered a comprehensive talk that unpacked the legal complexities of the DPA. The attorneys outlined the compliance process, registration with the Information Commissioner, and the critical role of Data Protection Officers. They also offered valuable guidance on Data Protection Standards and the consequences of non-compliance, including fines, deadlines, personal liability, and civil action.

Shaniel May Brown, Esq., from Myers, Fletcher, and Gordon, joins a dynamic panel discussing the DPA alongside fellow attorney Joanna Marcouza, Javier Castrillion from Veeam, and Mark Arruda from Cloud Carib.

Following the informative presentation, the attorneys joined a captivating panel discussion alongside industry experts Javier Castrillon, Principal Systems Engineer

at Veeam, and Mark Arruda, Vice President of Solutions at Cloud Carib. The panel delved deeper into complex DPA concepts. The engaging discussion explored practical compliance strategies and addressed data residency considerations specifically for Jamaican businesses and the critical role of technology partners in aiding businesses in meeting those compliance needs ahead of the summer’s deadline.

By leveraging advanced cloud solutions and robust backup systems, companies can ensure data integrity, security, and accessibility. “With the DPA deadline looming, businesses must understand their obligations and take proactive steps to ensure compliance,” emphasized Damion Rose, Account Manager at Cloud Carib. “This informative session provided a valuable roadmap, navigating the intricacies of the DPA, compliance strategies, and data residency considerations.”

Participants actively engaged at Countdown 2 Compliance, a Data Protection Act workshop presented by Cloud Carib and Veeam.

“The positive feedback and attendee engagement were a true testament to the value of this event,” added panelist Javier Castrillon of Veeam. “We are committed to partnering with local firms like Myers, Fletcher & Gordon to empower businesses with the specific knowledge and technology partners like Cloud Carib who help to manage the tools and software we offer to navigate the ever-evolving data protection landscape.”